Sunday, August 30, 2009

SAKMONGKOL AK47: The Cow Head and the herd mentality.

The cow and the herd mentality they are indeed! Why should the innocent cow be beheaded and brought to the State Secretariat building? Was there a political motive to topple the PR Government?
And why were the Police standing by and watching the fun?

The Police officer gave a very lame excuse that he and his men dared not intervene? What rubbish!
Had PR and NGOs demonstrated, not only the Police but also the FRY in trucks would be thereand arrests would have been made on the spot, no questiosn asked! Even simple acts like keeping vigil is an offence! Even armbands is an offence! Even marching peacefully to deliver a protest note to the Palace is an offence! Even BERSIH 's march and HINDRAF's march in 2007 were hampered ! Why weren't the Police refrain from arresting the 5 Hindraf leaders if we follow the logic by teh Police chief that the recent march was explosive and they adred not act! Then, the 2007 marches should be equally explosive; and they Police should stand idly by, for fear of an explosion! In 2007, there were thousands upon thousands of demonstrators and while peaceful, they were turned violent! Then, comapre those incidents with teh recent "cow head" march.

If you want to take over Selangor, do it through the ballot box and not by the cow's head! Let the people decide !

The same goes for Perak. Take Perak through the ballot box; and not through the back-door! It seems that harassment, intimidation are the latest weapons of toppling Governments!

S.H. Huang

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

" Flying saucers "

" Flying saucers"

A house situated in Bintang Estate which is off the metal road of Kampong Koh, Sitiawan, Perak, was once inhabited by a family doctor. More often than not he would not be coming home for dinner, for he took his food at a restaurant in town. It had always been his habit to have food outside at night. Nobody could explain why he preferred outside food to home-cooked food. Only on rare occasions would he come home for food. At one such occasion, he arrived home early. It was something unusual for him to do so. Whatever it was, dinner would always be ready for, whether he turned up or not for it.

Seated at his usual place at the table one night, he requested his wife to serve him food. His children were also at their places. It would be bad manners if all of them did not eat together. While they were at their food, munching and chitchatting and laughing at some jokes, the doctor found saucers flying about in the kitchen. He could not believe his eyes. He alerted his wife and his children what he had seen. They all looked in the direction he pointed out. But to his dismay and disappointment, they did not notice anything unusual. They thought that he was just imagining things or perhaps he had gone cuckoo! Then came a crash; and they all heard the sound. They looked in the direction of the crash; but could not see any saucers on the floor; neitehr did the doctor. They dismissed the incident as a fig of their imagination, for they might have been influenced by the earlier observation by their father. They went back to their food.

A little while later, the doctor again noticed the flying saucers floating around him; and flying away to the kitchen like paper aeroplanes children usually play. Again he pointed to his family members that he saw them. But they did not believe him; and he grew exasperated and frightened. Again they asked him " where, where, where ? " . " There, there, there, you donkeys " he shouted agitatedly. Would a father play games with his wife and children ? However, they looked and looked and looked; but could see nothing unusual. So, they dismissed it as a hallucination of his, since they could not see anything.

He told them that he had seen similar objects flying about. And did they all hear the crash earlier ? So why should they doubt him ? Ironically, they just dismiss the second sighting by the doctor as a joke.

After their dinner, they adjourned to the living room and turned on the television. Woe and behold, there was a film about flying saucers ! They were all shocked into disbelief. Before their very eyes, they saw flying saucers on the screen. They switched onto another channel and yet they saw flying saucers again! They turne don to a third channel; and yet the flying saucers appeared. It seemed taht they would not leave them alone! But in the thrid channel, there was something else: the flying saucers seemed to be superimposed on the film " Charlie's Angels " ! How could it be ? Two pictures on one screen!

Frightened, the children went to bed early, all huddled on one bed. The doctor and his wife, however, stayed on , watching the two pictures. All of a sudden, the flying saucers flew out of the screen and swooped away into thin air! They just disappeared.

This is a mystery unsolved to this day.

The Sea

The poem, The Sea, which I wrote first appeared in 2005 in the book " A Surrender to the Moon" compiled by the International Library of Poetry, United States of America. Subsequently it caught the attention of Noble House Publishers, Poetry Division, New York and London, who sought my permission to publish it in 2006. Permission granted, they published it in their compilation of poems under the book " Songs of Honour " . I was also invited to present the poem at the Convention held in Washingston, DC. by the International Library of Poetry. I was also one of the recepients of the Editors' Choice award. Owing to time constraint and high expenditure involved, I did not avail the opportunity to attend the Convention. Below is the poem. They are also making a CD of the poems compiled; and sought my permission for doing so.

The Sea

The sea, the sea, the sea,
The cool streams rush to see;
From high the hills they come
To fill the sea, their home.

All waves rock like cradles,
Seems Mother Sea ladles,
But at times she rings like hell,
With her fury, nobody could tell.

Lashing here, splashing there
Against the rocks to wear,
Knocking pieces everywhere,
And who is brave to dare?

But calmer times do come,
When the sea crawls are dumb,
Towards sandy beach they come,
And back to sea they bump.

Siew Hock Huang